Thursday, October 24, 2013

The woman I am

I'm the kind of woman who eats grapes like candy and drinks juice from the carton.
I believe in bare feet on the early morning's cold hardwood floors.

I'm the kind of woman that loves being outside and feeling connected with nature.
I believe the further we go from our familiar environments, the closer we get to truly knowing ourselves.

I'm the kind of woman that looks forward to Saturday morning farmer's markets and the old men playing fiddles on the street corners.
I believe the simplest tasks can connect us all. 

I'm the kind of woman who will go to extraordinary lengths to simply prove a point.
I believe a certain amount of stubbornness is healthy.

I'm the kind of woman who thinks bright red nail polish and a good album can solve any problem.
I believe that if music and nail polish aren't enough, well, then, a nap is in order.

I'm the kind of woman who occasionally enjoys drunk nights that turn into mornings with beautiful friends.
I believe in being young and having regrets, because they're good stories to tell later.

I'm the kind of woman that always wants to lose 10 pounds, but simply can't pass up anything chocolate.
I believe in healthful eating, but I'm convinced sugar is good for the soul.

I'm the kind of woman that believes expressing yourself and finding your own voice is the most important part of life.
I believe we all have a story to tell.

I'm the kind of woman that has long had an image in my mind of the woman I want to be.

But I'm starting to believe it's more important to value the woman that I am.

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