Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The process of recovery.

I heard something today.
Something that resonated so clearly with me, that I felt a pinch-- a knot-- in the pit of my stomach.
As though the person I was listening to, was speaking directly to me.

Discussing the process of recovery, a comment was made about how through recovery, people are often times forced to be so focused on themselves, that social interaction and simple conversation can become almost a chore. 
And all I could think was, Yes. Yes. A million times yes.

She put into words, something I'd been trying to explain. Something I just couldn't put my finger on.

I feel like I've come a long way, I really do.
But there are some days, like today, when I just simply don't feel like myself.
Because there are days when the words just escape me.
The conversation simply fails me.
And the sadness seems overwhelming.
But that's life isn't it?

And today, I decided my recovery is a daily process.
And it's okay to stumble, because each day it will get easier.
And well, let's be real, sometimes my daily recovery is simple.
Sometimes all it takes is one bad day to appreciate the good ones. 
And that's okay.

The important thing to remember is, we are all recovering from something.

And the world, I'm convinced, would be so much kinder if we would just remember that.

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